
Archive for January 1st, 2008

Stella In Politics

As many people know, Brian from In Repair is the leader of Stella’s Fella’s. He designed this T-shirt over here on the left.

Well, Brian sent me an email this morning with a link that was so shocking, I spit my coffee out onto my keyboard.

He wrote something like, “Call me crazy but isn’t that Stella?” with this link. I clicked on it and then spit my coffee onto my keyboard.

If you haven’t already, go ahead and click on it. I’ll wait here.

Can you believe it? It is Stella, by God! On the Interweb! In the sweater I knit her last winter! With that sanctimonious look she always has on her face. And it figures it would be the leader of Stella’s Fella’s who would somehow sense she was out there whooping it up without having issued a press release to her fan club.

Of course I was aghast. I didn’t really know what to think of it so I just started screaming, everyone in the house came running, and then Buck busted out laughing. He thinks it’s hilarious.

Once I thought about it I didn’t mind at all. After all, I take photos off the Internet all the time. But of all people to sneak herself into politics it would be Stella. She’s such a betch!

Maybe I should be grateful to her, because it does afford me the opportunity to post once again this favorite photo of myself over here on the right, the photo I have vowed to run for the rest of my life and beyond.

The thing is, Stella showing up on a political website isn’t even that shocking, really. She has a power over people that is just downright weird. And what I think of her doesn’t seem to matter to anyone, least of all her. It never has.

So now I’m left to wonder where she will turn up next. Nothing would surprise me. And wow, Brian, what a find. Points to you! I’m sure this will secure you as permanent leader of Stella’s Fella’s. I need to make you a widget.

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