
Archive for January 16th, 2008

Some Blog Housekeeping: 2 Things

Happy-go-lucky Max models his Christmas gift, a T-shirt designed by comedy writer and fellow blogger Bound and Gags. Max has pointed out that I’m the only person who ever gives him T-shirts with the word “fuck” on them.  Whatever.  This one, which Max says is his favorite so far, technically says “fuk” and is of course a play on the name Nantucket, an island off the coast of Cape Cod.


I have this stuff I keep meaning to blog about, my Cafe Press shop and why I have it, and my other blog and why I have it, etc. I keep thinking that a smooth way to combine these two topics will come to me in an eloquent dream where any problem segues will work themselves out. To date, this hasn’t happened, so I’m just forging ahead. Note to my siblings: There are a whole bunch of links in this post. You do not have to click on each one, although you may do so if you want. Clicking on links is not a required thing when reading a blog, they’re just a courtesy to help you find stuff on the Interweb.

If you’re a regular reader here, you’ve probably seen my little “ad” over in the sidebar for my Life With Buck shop at Cafe Press. Having this shop is something I’ve wanted to do since I started this blog last August. (Here’s my first post, which was about what Buck and I do all day.)

In case you’re not familiar with Cafe Press, it’s an online retailer that produces products on demand. It’s free to open a shop; I don’t pay any “rent” and I didn’t have to buy any inventory as everything is “made to order” on demand. I’m not trying to make any money at this, like I said, it’s just for fun. I’ve purchased a couple of the T-shirts from myself to check for quality, and the quality is very good. Though I only have two designs available, I have plans for a whole Stella line of T-shirts, and more Buck T-shirts of course, when I find some time to design them. But like I said, it’s just for fun, so I want to have fun doing it. However … getting the shop together and my artwork uploaded to the site was not as easy as they make it sound. Enter comedy writer and my blogging buddy Bound and Gags.

I saw on Bound and Gags blog that he has a Cafe Press shop, which is kind of what got me interested in doing one in the first place. His shop is very  professional, clearly shows his twisted humor, and along with his books and various items I saw his Nahfuket T-shirt, which I thought would make a good Christmas gift for Max because he’s always working at luxury resort areas for the summer break from school. Bound and Gags lives in Massachusetts, spends summers on the Cape, yadda yadda yadda, and he offered to help me set my shop (because I’d been complaining to him about my inability to do so for three months). So basically, what I’m saying is, I have this Life With Buck shop on Cafe Press just for fun, but I never could have done it without Bound and Gags’ help. So thank you, Chris, for dumbing down the process for me so I could actually do it. Now I can now put some Stella T-shirts on the Interweb and hopefully make people laugh. Or cluck with disgust. Either way, thank you for all your help, I couldn’t have done it without you. I hope to have my shop looking better and offering more T-shirt designs by Valentine’s Day, which is Stella’s favorite holiday.

I’ll keep everyone posted on this because I know you’re all on the edge of your seats.

The other thing I keep meaning to post about is my other blog, yet another thing I’m writing and not being paid for, this one as part of Blog 365. The rules require you to post every single day (or at least 365 posts) for a whole year. Because I have to post on it every day, I’ve kept it rather brief and more like a diary. For that reason, it’s called What I’m Doing Right Now. For instance,today I blogged about the religious icons I got in the bubble gum machine.  I’ve also blogged about the nightmare I had in which Seal and I got into an argument, and about the red light I drove through. Nothing earth shattering, just a daily diary of minutiae.

Yesterday’s post about chapstick probably should have gone over there, but I felt guilty about not posting here for a couple days. I do post there every day, because the posts are brief and don’t require making Buck sit down and talk to me, then transcribing it all.

If minutia is right up your alley, you’ll find a couple of familiar writers who are participating in this frivolous exercise over at Random Inkings and Three Little Words. If you want to participate, it’s NOT TOO LATE! You can even post a month’s worth of entries all at once, apparently. The rules are pretty loose. So if you’re similarly insane and want a second blog to be responsible for, please do it. Just let me know so I can add you to my daily reading, as well as my blogroll. But I warn you, all we’re going to get at the end of the year is a little badge for our blogs. That’s it. No money, no parade.

Tomorrow at Life With Buck: Buck and I set up the awesome Sea-Monkeys Kit that Paula sent me all the way from Easton, Massachusetts!

Here it is and it has lights!:

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