
Archive for January 28th, 2008

A Cozy Fire and Dr. Catalina

I had a lovely fire going in my office all afternoon.

I really like screensavers. No matter how many times people tell me screensavers “take up too much space” on the computer and blah blah blah, I do not listen. This might be because I don’t use a screensaver on my laptop, which is the computer I use most, so the whole space thing isn’t an issue. During the day I usually sit at my desk with my laptop, right next to my desktop computer, which I use to play music or, as I’ve done the last couple of days, for a nice roaring fire.

Over the past ten years or so, I’ve become a connoisseur of free fireplace screensavers. I’ve had some that froze my computer, some that were cheesy digital crap, and some that would flash a watermark ad every few minutes. But this one I’m using now has been great. It looks terrific in person, and the sound of the crackling fire is exceptional. If you need a toasty wood fire in your office on these winter days, check out the Yule Log from screensavers.com. It’s free, by the way. And I’ve had no problem with it, but as a precaution I always run my spyware program immediately after I install something like this.

I told my niece I’d post a print ad that Buck was in, posed as Dr. Catalina of Madrid. “Dr. Catalina of Madrid” was a supposed doctor who appeared in ads in LIFE magazine back in the 1950s assuring pregnant women that is was perfectly fine to smoke cigarettes. Buck recreated the ad, encouraging people to ride motorcycles. Please note that he is wearing a WIG. That’s not his hair. I had problems scanning this, so please excuse the fact the photo is a little off kilter.

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